Support us

Tong Recreation Association

[Photo] large team of volunteers smiling with thumbs up. In the foreground a group of children also stand trying to smile with their thumbs up.

There are so many ways that you can support the TRA and the local village. The best way is just to get in touch or come along to one of our regular meetings. You can meet our amazing committee, find out about what we do and get involved with what you want to do. You can volunteer at an event, help with fundraising or get creative with how you want to be involved. Your level of commitment is totally up to you! 

join the TRA

Do you care about Tong village? Do you want a say in our projects? Join Tong Recreation Association and support your local community.

About Membership

Being a member of the TRA gives you the opportunity to be part of a local group that helps our local community and have a lot of fun. Our aim is to create engaging and exciting events that offer our local village great social opportunities as well as support the hall. This can be anything from dances, talks, sponsored walks, sports events – we want your ideas! 

If you have creative ideas, can bring special skills to the committee and want to be part of a lovely group who really care about our local village then come along and find out more. 

Your commitment can be at whatever level you feel comfortable with: we know everyone is busy! Members are only committed to attending the AGM, but if you want to attend our monthly meetings and become more involved then we welcome you along! 

Only members are allowed to vote on issues concerning the Company, to elect directors and be elected as directors. This puts the running and ownership of the hall and grounds into the hands of the community — its members, not ‘Directors/ Trustees’. It is one person, one vote at all General Meetings. Limited liability means that in the unlikely event of the hall being wound up. Members are only asked to pay £1 towards debts incurred.

Want to join us? Get in touch!

More ways to get involved:

Get involved with one of our projects or come along to one of our events. We want to see everyone in Tong and surrounds making use of our treasured facilities. 

Follow us for news of the next Tong Hall event, stray sheep, village clean up and lots of other ways that we can share village life together. 

We want Tong Hall to be the place for parties, events, fairs, business support, storytelling and more. Got an idea? Got a plan for an event? Support Tong Hall by making a booking!